Editing and Specialized Coaching

Editing Services: Diagnostic Editing

As a writer, you pour your heart and soul into your manuscript, but sometimes it can be hard to see the areas that need improvement. That's where my editing service comes in. How amazing would it be to help you grow as a writer? My goal is to provide you with detailed feedback and helpful insights that will take your story to the next level.

I don't just hand you a manuscript full of red lines, I take the time to thoughtfully read your entire manuscript and provide you with a completed Story Rubric, covering everything from genre to character development to worldbuilding, and more. We'll discuss all of the trouble areas and help you improve your writing skills along the way.

With my diagnostic editing service, you'll receive a 60-minute Zoom call to discuss your manuscript in detail, during which we'll record both audio and video for your convenience. And don't worry, the conversation won't end there. We offer unlimited follow-up email communication to make sure you have all the guidance and support you need. Plus, as a bonus, you'll receive a free digital download of "Three Story Method" and a membership in The Author Life Community.

I understand that time is precious, which is why I guarantee the completion of your editing in 60 days or less. Ready to take the next step? Sign up for a free 15-minute consultation to discuss your manuscript and see how I can help you elevate your story.

$6.25 per page

Specialized Coaching:

Steampunk, Gothic, and Historical Fiction

Do you have an interest in writing stories set in the Victorian era, or do you find yourself drawn to the Steampunk and Gothic genres? As a writing coach, I can help you bring these worlds to life and craft engaging stories that will captivate readers.

We'll start by exploring the unique elements of Steampunk, Gothic, and Historical Fiction and how to incorporate them into your writing. We'll work together to develop a solid understanding of the time period, its technology, and its culture, ensuring your world is richly imagined and fully realized.

Next, we'll delve into character development, from creating fully realized protagonists and antagonists to building supporting characters that add depth and texture to your world. With my guidance, you'll learn how to craft characters that feel authentic to the time period and genre, while still remaining relatable to contemporary audiences.

Finally, we'll discuss how to weave historical research, mythologies, and science into your story without resorting to info dumping. I'll share my insights on how to balance the need for accuracy and detail with the importance of a strong, engaging narrative, ensuring your readers remain captivated from beginning to end.

By the end, you'll be equipped with the tools and knowledge you need to write compelling stories set in the Steampunk, Gothic, and Historical Fiction genres. Let's work together to bring your vision to life and create stories that will stand the test of time.

Month Long Session

Four 1hr meetings based on your book needs, genre expectations, and skill level.


Manuscript Coaching

We will meet regularly to go over your book piece by piece to meet your book needs, genre expectations, and skill level.

$100 per meeting